#SydneyFanChat Transcript with Peter Triantis


Sydney FC youngster Peter Triantis debuted for the Sky Blues against the Newcastle Jets on Saturday 22 December and today he hosted the live #SydneyFanChat

Sydney FC youngster Peter Triantis debuted for the Sky Blues against the Newcastle Jets on Saturday 22 December and today he hosted the live #SydneyFanChat. During the hour we learnt the funniest prank from the National Youth League change rooms, what pizza best describes Peter-s personality and where he would take a lady on a first date.

This initiative has become a successful fortnightly engagement for Sky Blue Members and Fans to interact with Sydney FC players, coaches and staff. In two weeks (Jan 16) we will be back with another current Sky Blues player!

Here is a transcript of the 45 questions, with Peter Triantis-s answers.

Ele Winston: What do you have for breakfast?
#SydneyFanChat Cereal every day, normally 4 Weet-Bix

Ele Winston: How do you calm any nerves before a big match?
#SydneyFanChat I don’t really get nervous, once I am on the park it is just another game

[m.d]: Peter, why do they call you ‘the Burglar’?
#SydneyFanChat It started at state league with Sydney Olympic; coaches started calling me that because of my style of play

[m.d]: Funniest prank played in the dressing room this year?
#SydneyFanChat Filled the players boots up with soap, strapping tape on players cars

[m.d]: With you and Alec making the step up to the first team recently, which other youth teammates can u see, stepping up soon?
#SydneyFanChat With the new coach there are definitely opportunities, players like Theo Kofinas & Christopher Naumoff

santos: Can we expect to see you scoring from free kicks as per the Youth League?
#SydneyFanChat I think I will leave the free kicks to @delpieroale

Luke Cevolani: Hi Peter, what has been the biggest difference you’ve noticed between the NSW Premier League and the A League?
#SydneyFanChat Being full time, the intensity and overall professionalism and having foreigners to improve the level

Peter: Who taught you the fine are of making coffee and don’t lie
#SydneyFanChat If my boss was ever working, then maybe I would give you credit.

Nurhayati Hashim: Hi Peter. What was the atmosphere within the team after losing to Adelaide Utd? Good luck vs Perth Glory.
#SydneyFanChat Very different to the feeling after CCM, but definitely trying to turn it around this week

Theo Kofinas: What is everyone going in about level 3? Could u explain?
#SydneyFanChat Not sure, you may have to explain at training tomorrow

Carl Cavasinni: Do you feel Sydney play like a team or a just 11 men standing in a soccer game?
#SydneyFanChat There have been plenty of injuries & changes in the team but we are definitely a team working with each other

Juvespice???: What’s it like to play with Del Piero?
#SydneyFanChat It is unbelievable, always looked up to him and I am just trying to learn as much as possible

Cam Iaquinto: What’s your favourite meal on the @crinitis menu?
#SydneyFanChat Meat lover-s pizza!!

David Nicotra: Peter great performances of late!! Really liking the enthusiasm and heart!! Keep up the good work buddy!!
#SydneyFanChat Thanks mate

santos: Who was/is your football hero growing up?
#SydneyFanChat Steven Gerrard and my older brother Chris

JuventusClubSydney: Which player(s) have been most influential to you throughout training and matches? What are your long term goals?
#SydneyFanChat All players have been very helpful, @delpieroale is always helping me out & giving advice. To play overseas

Nick CPC Zantiras: Sherlock tells me he’s better than Del Piero.. Do you agree?
#SydneyFanChat I heard he hits a better free kick haha

Kylie Mitchell: Do you have any superstitions? If so what are they?
#SydneyFanChat Always doing my cross when I walk out onto the pitch

Gligorevic™: Pete, seems like some players aren’t pulling their weight. Can you tell them to show the fans they have desire!
#SydneyFanChat All players are giving their best every day at training and on match days

Mad Pizza e Bar: Hi Peter – disappointing season so far. What Pizza topping would best describe you, and why?
#SydneyFanChat Spicy pizza, hot and fiery

marc reggio: Do you think you’ve been brought into the first team to early?
#SydneyFanChat I have been working very hard for this opportunity and I am trying to make the most of it and always give my best

Anthony Vescio: Hi Peter. How do you rate former team mate Marton Vass?
#SydneyFanChat Ex Sydney Olympic team mate, rate very highly, he is very professional and always gives 100%

Nate Tarabu Elston: How well do you feel you’ve gelled with the first team peter & what’s the atmosphere like at training since we are dead last?
#SydneyFanChat The older players have made it an easy transition always giving me advice and the atmosphere is good.

Jake G: I’m a 15yo CB for my local club but It has ALWAYS been my dream to play Pro Football. Tips on how to get there?
#SydneyFanChat Just work as hard as possible and train like you would play a game. Never let a setback keep you down.

Prince Poldi: Favourite football player – past or present
#SydneyFanChat Being a Liverpool fan Steven Gerrard

Prince Poldi: Favourite international team?
#SydneyFanChat Liverpool

AEPainemilla Carreño: Hey peter, where would you take a lady on a first date?
#SydneyFanChat Teascapes cafe in Randwick

Prince Poldi: Who do you reckon will win FIFA’s man and woman player of the year and why?
#SydneyFanChat Lionel Messi and I would like to see Kyah Simon win the women player of the year

Theo Kofinas: What was it like walking out with a mascot that was taller than u?
#SydneyFanChat Do you still want a lift to training tomorrow?

Gligorevic™: Do you think more #NSWPL players should get a chance in the AL? Quality players seem not to get a chance.
#SydneyFanChat If they are good enough then I’d love to see more #NSWPL players get a chance in the #ALeague

Martin Butler: Who takes the longest to style their hair, now that Shannon Cole has left?
#SydneyFanChat In the NYL @cnaumoff_29 always the last one out

Nurhayati Hashim: Cristiano Ronaldo vs Messi. Who’s your pick?
#SydneyFanChat Messi

Mel: If you had the chance to meet one footballer, who would it be?
#SydneyFanChat Mario Balotelli for his sheer exuberance!

marc reggio: Yard you enjoying your time with the top team ? or is there too much pressure at the moment ?
#SydneyFanChat Definitely enjoying it, I always want to aim high!

Campbell Knowles: What is your idea of a perfect match
#SydneyFanChat To win is always the perfect match.

haurice: Do u play borderlands?
#SydneyFanChat No, is it any good?

?????: Happy New Year. Do you remember Kazuyoshi Miura?
#SydneyFanChat Yes I do I used to watch him from the stands. Good player.

Theo Kofinas: What was your favourite memory of the Vietnam Trip?
#SydneyFanChat Beating Laos in the last minute and winning man of the match

caio c. costi farias: Peter, which team are you supporting in the round of 16 of the uefa champions league?
#SydneyFanChat With Liverpool not there, loving the way Borussia Dortmund is playing. Would love to see them win it!

Jake G: Thanks mate! good to see you are a Liverpool supporter as well 😉 where do you reckon we can finish this season?
#SydneyFanChat Definite aim is to make the finals

Wally: How do you go at FIFA13?
#SydneyFanChat I’m the best!!

CHRISTOPHER: Hi! Which Marquee player do you think has been the best so far? Australian + Foreign marquee players included. Thnx
#SydneyFanChat @delpieroale

Daniel H: Do you think the players are professional enough? I saw them having a big night at Marquee recently.
#SydneyFanChat Everyone is so professional I’ve been very impressed. Players can let their hair down as long as it’s infrequent

Bianca: Green grapes or red grapes?
#SydneyFanChat Definitely green grapes

Bianca: Vanilla or chocolate ice cream?
#SydneyFanChat Vanilla