
Donation & Player Requests

As a high profile sporting organisation, Sydney FC recognises the significant responsibility it has to service our football family and our community. Sydney FC players and staff are out in the community every week visiting schools, clubs and communities.

Additionally, Sydney FC receives many thousands of requests for donations, player appearances or assistance each year from a wide variety of organisations and causes, schools and community groups. Whilst we endeavour to provide support where we can, it is not possible to fulfil every request because of the level of demand.

Requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and to be considered must comply with our criteria:


  • You are a Sydney FC charity partner
  • You are a current Sydney FC Member or Corporate Partner
  • You are a part of a local football club or association within Sydney FC’s seven association footprint
  • You are a representative of a community, school or charity group within the club’s footprint


  • Due to the volume of requests, we do not accept items for signing.
  • Requests for monetary donations or sponsorships will not be considered.
  • Personal requests for birthdays, weddings or anniversaries will not be considered.
  • Receipt by Sydney FC of this request does not guarantee that the request will be granted,
    the club will confirm seperately the outcome of the request.

To request a donation, please email info@sydneyfc.com at least 4 week prior to your event. This procedure ensures that requests are able to be properly recorded and tracked.


  • We do not accept open requests for player appearances because of the number of hours the team already spends in the Community. Player appearances are reserved for Sydney FC Charity Partners, Corporate Partners as well as our local Clubs and Associations within the Sydney FC footprint.
  • All Football Clubs requesting a player appearance should contact their relevant Sydney FC Development Officer to discuss options.

Thank you for your understanding.