#SydneyFanChat Transcript With Milos Dimitrijevic


Current Sky Blue, Nantes Youth Academy graduate and former Red Star Belgrade midfielder Milos Dimitrijevic hosted the live Twitter chat today. During the hour we learnt where to get the best Chevapi, his most memorable Sky Blues experience and his tips on tennis gear.

Andrew French: Hi Milos, how was it to have a full pre-season with the team? It’s good because you feel fit and much better for the first game of the season. #SydneyFanChat

Matt Darko Sabo: Hello Milos. How has the transition been like since coming to Sydney and Australia? The transition has been good. It is different from Europe, everything is changed – time and side to drive on! #SydneyFanChat

[m.d]: Milos, how do you compare the atmosphere at the Sydney derby to those you’ve played in elsewhere. There is a big difference. The derby in Serbia has crazy fans in each family, our fans are very well behaved! #SydneyFanChat

Simon Overall: What has been your most memorable experience since joining @SydneyFC ? Definitely my first game against @gomvfc when we won 5-0! It was a great game! #SydneyFanChat

milos v victory

Jake Campbell: How does the A league compare to other leagues u have played in before? Is it more physical? Yes the @ALeague is physical but every year it gets better and better technically and tactically #SydneyFanChat

Alex Wain: Welcome to #Twitter Milos! How has your overall game has improved since you’ve been @SydneyFC & what do you need to improve? My passing has got even better and my fitness too which is the most important thing! #SydneyFanChat

Robert Vadala: hi milos, are you prepared to lose the frist seydney derby saturday night? No, I am ready to win! 🙂 #SydneyFanChat

Justin Davies: Since it is the topic of the day – what is your favourite meal at McDonalds? The Big Mac! #SydneyFanChat

rhys yule: hey Milos, score us a goal, Milos Milos score us a goal. (This Saturday, and come celebrate with the cove) I will do my best!!! The Cove are great and we would love to celebrate a goal with them #SydneyFanChat

Toby Berger: Hey Milos, if you had two words to describe The Cove, what would they be? Amazing & Loud #SydneyFanChat


Johnson ZHANG: hi milos. You will be playing in first sydney derby. How excited are you and who will be your tough opponent? I’m very excited, I don’t know who will play for @wswanderersfc I just look to see who is playing next to me! #SydneyFanChat

Alex Wain: You can choose any current player in the world to partner u in midfield, who would it be & why would you pick them? Gerrard because he is a great player and he plays with his heart #SydneyFanChat

Sonja M: hey milos whats your favourite city in the world? Belgrade of course, everyone needs to go and visit! #SydneyFanChat

Justin Davies: What would you rather fight – one horse sized duck or one hundred duck sized horses? One hundred duck sized horses with my team because we are stronger together! #SydneyFanChat

Alen Delic: Milos and @SydneyFC time for the big questions – sorry, but have to ask – best cevapi in Sydney? Best burek in Sydney? Best Chevapi is Restaurant Madera. Burek I have never tried here #SydneyFanChat

Bay 26: Which tennis racquet would you recommend? Prince. #SydneyFanChat

Johnson ZHANG: you play alongside @delpieroale last season… do you enjoy his football captaincy and lesson from him? Yes of course! He is great player and a legend! #SydneyFanChat

BG: jesili gledao utakmicu jutros? Sta mislis? [Have you watched the game this morning ? What do you think ?] naravno da sam gledao i stvarno nemam reci…a i ovde nije mesto da se prica o tome… [of course I watched and here is not the place to talk about it …] #SydneyFanChat

Alex Wain: Who do you think is the most technically gifted player in the current @SydneyFC squad (including the youth team!) Me of course! 😉 @TerryAntonis is very technically gifted! #SydneyFanChat

antonis twitter

Justin Davies: would you be open to naming your next child Justin? I hear it’s a good name. Justin is a good name but my child will have a Serbian name 🙂 #SydneyFanChat

rhys yule: Katy perry or Scarlett johannsen? Scarlett #SydneyFanChat

Kane Cassidy: What do you want us to sing when you have a great game? It’s up to you! My job is to play good and listen to you. My favourite chant is “We Are Sydney”

Sonja M: milos which team do u support in the EPL? not Liverpool surely? I support @chelseafc in the EPL #SydneyFanChat

BG: I think Milos just earned his place on the back of my jersey. Thanks for your support! I look forward to seeing you on Saturday at the Derby! #SydneyFanChat

Baehead (Official): ma new favourite Sydney player! Thanks I appreciate it! #SydneyFanChat

Johnson ZHANG: if you are leaving the sky blues team for next season, who will you miss most as a player in Sydney FC and why? I would miss everyone because we are like a family here at @SydneyFC. #SydneyFanChat

[m.d]: Milos, how will you celebrate if you score the winning goal in the 90th minute this weekend? I would jump to the moon! But I will definitely celebrate with the fans #SydneyFanChat

Johnson ZHANG: who is the best coach you play under throughout your career and why? Robert Prosinecki at Red Star because he of the clubs he played for. Arnie is great too! #SydneyFanChat

[m.d]: Milos, who’s the best joker in the team and the best prank someone had played this season? The best joker is Seb Ryall! I can’t think of which prank is best #SydneyFanChat

seb twitter

[m.d]: Do u know what FTT stands for Milos? Ps thanks for your well placed shot against Leijer in the 5-0 victory game last year 😉 Yes I do! 😉 Thanks, hopefully we can get one over @gomvfc next game! #SydneyFanChat

Johnson ZHANG: do you miss your serbian friend Ranko Despotovic from last season? You both get along together with Nikola as well Yes of course! He is a good player and I wish him all the best #SydneyFanChat

[m.d]: Milos, in your opinion who are the best fans in the league and why? Ours! I love playing in front of our fans! They are the best and I think our stadium is the best! #SydneyFanChat

[m.d]: Who do you dislike more, Victory or Wanderers? I respect all my opponents but I think we are the best. @SydneyFC is in my heart! #SydneyFanChat

Johnson ZHANG: last season, you played against Nebojosa Mirankovic of @PerthGloryFC .. how does it feel to play against him? He is a very good player and a good guy. I hope he has a good season with @PerthGloryFC. #SydneyFanChat

Johnson ZHANG: how did you feel about seeing David Villa (@Guaje7Villa ) for the first time? He is a good player and it was good to play against him. I prefer I didn’t see him though so he didn’t score! #SydneyFanChat

AFC_Martin: What’s your personal goals for the season? I want to win the @ALeague definitely! #SydneyFanChat

Bato Batovic: Milos, name your favourite player growing up? My favourite player growing up was my father who played for Partizan #SydneyFanChat

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