
Sydney FC Membership Survey Responses


This seasons Membership Questionnaire gave us 1,085 replies, a huge 48% increase on last year! This left us with 4,490 questions, comments and suggestions. Below are most of the questions, and comments with replies. If you cannot find your specific question, it is likely that it is similar to a question already asked.

This seasons Membership Questionnaire gave us 1,085 replies, a huge 48% increase on last year! This left us with 4,490 questions, comments and suggestions. Below are most of the questions, and comments with replies. If you cannot find your specific question, it is likely that it is similar to a question already asked.

The Membership department thank you for all your feedback. We improve what we can and plan to do as much as we can for every single Member. Memberships will be open for renewals online next week.

Please click on the attached document below to view the responses..

Also, congrats to Ben Campton who first found the hidden Easter Egg!

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