Despite recent comments about Saturday’s opposition being the team which represents Sydney’s West – we can reveal Sydney FC still has a very large contingent of long-term Members and supporters out West.
Furthermore our Members in the West have very different opinions to those of Western Sydney Wanderers Head Coach Marko Rudan who believes there is a “blue collar” versus “white collar” divide between the supporters of his club and Sydney FC.
Our Members also do not believe that Sydney FC is only for people of the East.
Here are a selection of their views….

“I’m from Western Sydney and I followed Sydney FC when it was the only team we had and from the moment they started in season one.
“I’ve been a Member for a long time and what was said was about Sydney FC being a white collar club is a load of crap.
“Until the Wanderers came in the competition we only had one team and I couldn’t care less where they were based, they were my team from Sydney.

“I live around the corner from Marconi Club and because I’m from Western Sydney, am I supposed to jump clubs? I just can’t do that!!
“There was no chance we were going to change to the Wanderers. My wife and I have got four kids and my daughter is the only one who supports the Wanderers.
“Even my grandkids are Sydney FC fans and I enjoy travelling to Allianz Stadium for the game.
“The Western Sydney’s so called hardcore fans missed out on football for seven years and three Championships, so how can they call themselves football fanatics.
“I was a big fan of Marko Rudan as a player and as a coach, but by the way he has carried on lately especially after we beat them at CommBank and his comments about them being the blue collar club is a lot of rubbish. Stop being a sook and carrying on like a choock, it’s not a good look for your club.
“I wanted him to be Sydney FC coach at one point but not now. We have a very good relationship with the club Sydney FC forever.”

“I live in Penrith and I still see plenty Sydney FC shirts around. I’ve supported Sydney FC since they first started and will do until I die. I went and saw Dwight Yorke play Steve Corica and Marko Rudan, who was an icon of the club back then.

“It irritates me that people who supported Sydney FC can suddenly change their team, you just don’t do that!
“If you get a team who is nearer you and you jump ship, then it’s not right. I’ve no problems with WSW supporters in Penrith who started when WSW started. I just don’t understand the logic of changing your team.
“As for the rich and poor comparison – Western Sydney Wanderers want to portray us like that because they want people to think we are Eastern Sydney latte drinkers and they own the west – but they don’t – and there are plenty of Sydney FC fans out here in the West.
“I don’t agree we are downtrodden, I live in a nice house, work six or seven days a week and support my team and I still believe that Sydney FC is a team for ALL of Sydney.”

“I don’t agree with what was said – Sydney FC is the original Sydney team and there are a lot of avid Sydney FC fans living all over Sydney including in the Macarthur area.
“You pick your team and you support it through thick and thin.
“It’s also not East versus West.
“It’s definitely not a club just for the East.
“I think maybe they are trying to get avid Sydney FC supporters from the west to go and support them but true fans won’t.
“I’ve two sons, one is 12 and we’ve had Memberships since he was 1.5 years old. It’s a nice family event that we do together even though they are in their teens.
“In terms of the rich versus poor, I think that’s a really old school way of thinking – there are a lot of well-off people who live in the west too.
“It’s got nothing to do with wealth, wealth is accessible all across Sydney these days.”

Match Details
Sydney FC v Western Sydney Wanderers
Isuzu UTE A-League Round 21
Saturday 18th March 2023
Allianz Stadium, Sydney, NSW
Kick Off: 7:45pm AEDT
Gates Open: 6:15pm AEDT
Broadcast Live: Paramount+ & 10Bold
Tickets: Click Here