Chairman’s Academy Welcome


How Sydney FC Chairman Scott Barlow welcomed the players and families at the unveiling of the Sydney FC Academy.

I have been looking forward to today for a long time – and I’m sure you have as well.

Today we officially launch the Sydney FC Academy and this is a historic day for our club.

I consider the creation of our academy to be the single most important strategic initiative at Sydney FC since our inception 11 years ago.

It’s been two years in the planning but we are now up and running and the Sydney FC Academy will become central to the heart and soul of this club.

Six new junior teams under 13’s, under 14’s, under 15’s, under 16’s, under 18’s and under 20’s consisting of the most talented young players from across New South Wales.

Congratulations to all of the players for being selected to the Sydney FC Academy.

The introduction of our academy means that we have over 100 new players and coaches at our club which quite literally doubles the number of people working and playing here at Sydney FC.

Our objective for the academy is very clear – to create the best junior football academy in Australia’s history – with the best coaches, the best facilities, the best learning environment and a very clear and consistent football philosophy all the way through.

We want to provide a clear development path from under 13’s all the way through to our A-League team and we want to provide an environment that gives the boys the very best chance of achieving their goals – while at the same time making sure they are enjoying every minute of their football.

Sydney FC Academy players

I’d also like to welcome ACBC, our academy sponsor, on board.

To the mums and dads – thank you for the commitment you are making to enable your son to be part of this.

To the players, congratulations on becoming a Sydney FC player and remember abouve all else to enjoy every minute of your football here at Sydney FC.

At half time tonight you will walk out onto the pitch of this great stadium and you will receive a very warm welcome from all our passionate Sydney FC fans.

This is a special occasion – enjoy it and remember it.