#SydneyFanChat Transcript with Ranko Despotovic


During the hour we learnt what Ranko is afraid of, what he’s looking forward to most about the #SydneyDerby and his first Aussie BBQ experience with the team.

Sydney FC-s Serbian striker Ranko Despotovic was another fan favourite this afternoon, answering 55 Member and fan questions. During the hour we learnt what Ranko is afraid of, what he-s looking forward to most about the #SydneyDerby and his first Aussie BBQ experience with the team.

Cameron Kablar: What do you think is the key for Sydney FC succeeding this season?
#SydneyFanChat Last week against Adelaide we showed that we can play well and we need continue that and to work hard.

Jake Campbell: Who do u think will make the top 6? And do u think Sydney will make the top 3?
#SydneyFanChat My opinion is that we can fight for the top 3 position and there are a lot more games to do that

Jake Campbell: Have u experienced an Aussie BBQ yet??
#SydneyFanChat I have yes – we had one with the team once and it was very good.

Simon Overall: Hi Ranko, will you jump into the Cove with us when you score the winner on Saturday?
#SydneyFanChat If I score the winning goal in the final minutes of the game then why not!!

Bec: Do you have any weird pre game superstitions?
#SydneyFanChat Everybody does and mine start a day before the game. But on gameday I do my right leg 1st and then my left leg

Bec: What do you love most about Sydney?
#SydneyFanChat I cannot say especially 1 thing – there are many, good people and good weather and the beautiful style of life

Joshua Mackay: What’s your favourite thing about being a professional football player?
#SydneyFanChat I can say scoring the goals, without thinking

David Potkonjak: Hristos se rodi. What do you think of the little Serbia group in the cove?
#SydneyFanChat I try to say hello to them after every game and it’s beautiful. I hope the number will grow also

EvertonFan77: Ranko, what’s the level of the A-League like compared to everywhere else you’ve played?
#SydneyFanChat Every league is different and has something more special than another so it-s hard to compare

Kane Cassidy: Hey, Ranko, loving your start so far, how many goals are you going to bang in against the westies this Sat?
#SydneyFanChat As many as I can!!!

whitewash: Ranko what is the biggest derby you’ve played in?
#SydneyFanChat Red Star Belgrade v Vojvodina and Real Murcia vs Elche, Urawa Red Diamonds v Omiya

Anthony Swales: Hey Ranko big game this week why do players feel so much pressure in derbies
#SydneyFanChat It’s a special game in comparison to other games and you want to win a lot more.

[m.d]: Ahead of your first Sydney Derby, what are you looking forward to most? By the way, you are a champion Ranko! 🙂
#SydneyFanChat I’m looking forward to scoring the goals and trying to win the game and to be unstoppable!!

Ben Higgins: Is @Frank_Farina the worst manager you have ever had?
#SydneyFanChat Of course not he is a really great coach

Daniel Palmer: Ranko, how has ADP thanked you for taking the weight of the club off his shoulders?
#SydneyFanChat ADP is a great guy and the other teams target him the most so I try to make the most of that opportunity

Dean Rassios: Ranko! What had been the biggest moment in your footballing career?
#SydneyFanChat When I was top scorer in Serbian league and then first cap for Serbian national team

#SydneyTilliDie: You combined very well with Corey when he came on in Adelaide, do you think you have a good understanding?
#SydneyFanChat Not just with him but everyone we try to communicate with everyone

[m.d]: Ranko, if you were not a footballer, what would you be??
#SydneyFanChat I would like to be many things except a pilot because I am afraid of flying!!

Bay 26: What is the best Serbian beer to try? Is it available in Sydney?
#SydneyFanChat I didn’t see any here so I don’t know if there are any but they say Jellen is very good Try that one you’ll enjoy

[m.d]: Apart from you (because we all know you’re #1), who do you think is the best striker in the world? 😉 haha
#SydneyFanChat May I pick 2? First is Ronaldo the Brazilian guy and 2nd is Ronaldo from Real Madrid

Jordan Lo Russo: Could you get me a ticket to this weekend’s #SydneyDerby? Cheers Ranko
#SydneyFanChat I’m so sorry it’s very hard I don’t have any left either but for next home game no problem

Bay 26: Tara Rushton or Mel McLaughlin? The people need to know…
#SydneyFanChat Both!

[m.d]: What is your favourite food?
#SydneyFanChat I love to eat a lot. I try beef steak and it is fantastic so I will say that.

Bay 26: Will Moyes see out the season at Man United?
#SydneyFanChat I don’t big club & big pressure After Ferguson it’s the toughest job in the world so perhaps he needs more time

Keith Dawson: How are you enjoying life in the inner-west of Sydney? Have you had a chance to do much exploring around the area?
#SydneyFanChat I don’t have time to travel a lot but the things that I saw I really enjoyed seeing

Keith Dawson: Did you develop a taste for Japanese food during your time with Kashima? Any favourites?
#SydneyFanChat I loved Japanese food and my favourite was Udon and of course yakiniku

Jack Clark: Hi Ranko! do you think that you will continue to stay with Sydney FC for next season?
#SydneyFanChat That is my only wish at this moment. Of course I would like to stay

Peter Vernicos: What is it like being the best striker in the league? I heard the Wanderers are putting 6 in defence just to try stop you
#SydneyFanChat Thank you But I can’t be best after a few games It’ll be hard v WSW but they know our strikers are dangerous.

reilly m: How are you adapting to life in Australia?
#SydneyFanChat Fantastic from first day everything is really smooth and I’m really happy here

reilly m: Who are your best friends at the club?
#SydneyFanChat I live in same building as Nikola but hang out with Vedran and Tommo and Tiago.

liiiiiam: When are you transferring to Wanderers? Congrats on your brilliant performances too 😉 😉
#SydneyFanChat My future is now with @SydneyFC. I have friends at WSW but want to stay here. Thanks

Billy Morrison: Yanko, do you get into any other sports, apart from soccer??
#SydneyFanChat Now I don’t have a lot of time but I also enjoy volleyball and basketball

jonathan zalunardo: Hi Ranko, how does the atmosphere of the cove compare to other places you have played around the world?.
#SydneyFanChat The Cove are really really passionate and they’re are one of the best I’ve played in front of

Alessandro Vari: Who was your football idol as a child?
#SydneyFanChat A Serbian striker who was playing for Real Madrid called Predrag Mijatovic

Peter Vernicos: You are the second last person to sign my jersey, I-ll be at training tomorrow, what-s been the emphasis in training this week?
#SydneyFanChat I try to work on speed and finishing reactions and that’s every week during the season

Mason Anthony: How many goals would you like to score this season?
#SydneyFanChat 1 million hahaha – it’s a good question but I would like to score as much as I can

Ilija B: Merry Christmas! Will you attend the Australian Open final straight after the Victory away game if Novak Djokovic is playing?
#SydneyFanChat Merry Christmas. I probably won’t have chance but I hope he wins his fourth in a row.

Nik Kuzmanovic: Ranko where is your @CoveBay22 scarf right now?
#SydneyFanChat I thank the guy that gave it to me and I keep it with me at home

[m.d]: Do you like Greek food Ranko? If so, what’s your favourite dish?
#SydneyFanChat I was there once and I like the Greek salads

Ivan Necevski: What did you think of my #balkanwreckingball? And how did u spend your Bozic yesterday?
#SydneyFanChat I spend beautiful day yesterday the most beautiful Christmas eve. I thought it was very funny!!

Mason Anthony: What do you think Sydney FC need to improve in to make the top 3?
#SydneyFanChat We just need to believe more because we have great players

Pasquale Amato: What do you expect from 2014? 🙂
#SydneyFanChat To stay with this club and try to win Championship

Pasquale Amato: I’m Italian!!!Do you like Italy? 🙂
#SydneyFanChat Yes there are some beautiful cities Sanremo and Empiral and Genoa

Stephanie: How’s the team’s attitude? Does anyone actually want to be there?
#SydneyFanChat Of course everyone wants to be here this is the biggest club and the attitude is excellent

Bay 26: What-s your favourite film from the Teen Wolf franchise?
#SydneyFanChat I don’t know this one but I like Gladiator and 300

whitewash: What overseas clubs do you support?
#SydneyFanChat I’m a fan of Real Madrid but also all my ex-clubs

Alex Gregory-Walker: From a players perspective, do you feel that a derby is a bigger rivalry between the fans than between players on the pitch?
#SydneyFanChat I think it’s very big for both

Evan Sieff: What can you tell us about Milos Dimitrijevic?
#SydneyFanChat He is training with us right now and he is a great midfielder with a lot of experience

Angus Morrissey: Any advice for up and coming players aspiring to play for Sydney FC???
#SydneyFanChat To work as hard as they can and to listen to their coaches and older player-s advice

Phormic: Ranko, after scoring the winner this weekend, would you prefer a bronze or stone statue of you erected in your honour?
#SydneyFanChat I already promise if I score I will celebrate with our fans but maybe bronze hahahaha

Ethan Maguire: Is there some sort of language barrier between you and the Australia players? If so is it difficult only have Petkovic?
#SydneyFanChat No not at all they all speak perfect Serbian hahaha

David Mooney: Ranko! What has been your favourite goal so far this year?
#SydneyFanChat Maybe the 1st against Wellington on my debut in the last second to get the win

Jake Campbell: Do u support an EPL team, if so r u happy with their season so far?
#SydneyFanChat Not so much I’m more for the Spanish League but I do like Arsenal