
Sydney FC Supports White Shirt Day


Sydney FC, through our W-League team, is proud to be linked with Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF).

Sydney FC, through our W-League team, is proud to be linked with Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF).

Saturday, May 19 marks the second year of the OCRF White Shirt Day and we urge you wear a white shirt on that day to show your support for women and their families impacted by ovarian cancer, and by doing so helping the Foundation raise the spotlight on this disease.

In Australia alone, one woman dies of ovarian cancer every 10 hours.

There are no discernible symptoms for ovarian cancer and currently there is no early detection test. As such, the disease is usually well-advanced when diagnosed and subsequently the mortality rate is tragically high.

Early detection is the key to changing this devastating statistic, with the OCRF committed to advancing research so that an early detection test can be developed.

Sydney FC W-League Player of the Year, Teresa Polias, in supporting White Shirt Day, said, “OCRF was nominated by our team as our preferred charity partner. I and my team mates urge everyone, male and female, to wear a white shirt on May 19 to highlight this terrible disease and to demonstrate your support for the work of OCRF.”

OCRF White Shirt Day is a unique demonstration of support for all Australian women and for those who love and support them.

For further information on the work of the Foundation go to www.ocrf.com.au