Spotlight On: Sham Khamis


A familiar face around Sydney FC, and now filling the keeper’s number 1 spot, Sham Khamis gives an unfamiliar insight into her life.

A familiar face around Sydney FC, and now filling the keeper’s number 1 spot, Sham Khamis gives an unfamiliar insight into her life.



Three people you’d invite over for a party:

Connor McGregor, Rebel Wilson & Messi

Worst habit:

Procrastination. With study especially.

Coffee order:

Skinny Cappuccino

Favourite colour:


Spotlight On Sham 1

Cats or Dogs:


Can you cook – what’s your specialty:

I can cook, so I would say some marinated chicken with veggies

Ideal holiday:

Greek Islands

Most used emoji:

Definitely the laughing face and the female face with one hand out near her face.

Biggest inspiration and why:

David Beckham. It seems like a random one because I’m a goalkeeper but yeah I absolutely loved him growing up, I just thought his work ethic and his leadership on the field was amazing. I always kinds of dreamt of being like him, not his position but how he carried himself on and off the field. He was just a fantastic footballer.

Describe your game day routine:

I wake up in the morning, I like to have a nice breakfast with a coffee so that might be at a café or just having something at home. Then I like to go for a walk and listen to music really. Music is a big one for me!