Captain’s Column: We’ve Got Big Game Experience


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That’s the regular season done, and now all our attention turns to next Wednesday’s massive Semi-Final match.

It was a great honour to lift the Premiers Plate as Captain, however none of us were happy it came following a defeat and we’ve been working tirelessly this week to work on those areas that need improvement.

There’s no place to hide on Wednesday night, it’s a knockout clash, and we’ll be leaving everything on the pitch at Bankwest Stadium to ensure we can defend our Championship.

In saying that, our confidence certainly isn’t wavering, and as I said post-match on Saturday, our squad is brimming with big game experience and we’ve got more than enough know how to get the job done against whoever we’re facing.

I’m excited by the Finals Series, there’s no place to hide and no time to be complacent or cautious. All that separates you from a chance at glory is 90 minutes so both teams will be giving it their all to contest the Grand Final.

We’ve made winning a culture at Sydney FC, it’s why we’ve been so successful in these last four years, and with a chance to set Australian football history and become the most successful side ever by claiming a fifth Championship, you can bet the boys are as hungry as ever to get the job done.

It’ll be great to play at Bankwest Stadium too, it’s a quality facility and the pitch is great. I’m looking forward to being the home team there for once, and seeing plenty of Sky Blue in the stands.

Bring on the Finals Series, bring on next Wednesday night, and let’s show why Sydney is well and truly Sky Blue!

Stay safe everyone!
