Captain’s Column: Ready For The Reds


Hi everyone,

It’s that time of the season again and it’s all or nothing this weekend with Finals Series football in full swing.

As a club we’re all very aware of what’s at stake in a Semi-Final, and we know that success is something expected of every single one of us at Sydney FC.

We’ve performed well in recent Semi-Finals, and nearly every player has experienced one before, so there will be no nerves leading into Saturday’s game.

Playing against Adelaide United at Netstrata Jubilee Stadium was the matchup we were all hoping for I think, we only recently defeated Adelaide in one of our best performances of the season and our record at Kogarah is strong.

This week all our focus has been on our preparation, making sure mentally and physically that we’re ready for Saturday’s challenge, we had an in-house game last Friday and we’ve all put in extra on the training pitch to be in peak condition for the game.

Having the week off really helped with this, and the days away from the training field I enjoyed spending time with the kids ferrying them around to weekend sport and catching up on some Uni work.

I’m really excited for Saturday’s match, I’ve heard there’s not many tickets left so I can’t wait to see the stands full of Sky Blue.

I can’t wait to see you all there cheering us on as our hunt for the ‘threepeat’ continues.

See you on Saturday!

Alex Wilkinson
Sydney FC Captain


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