The Department of Planning and Environment has encouraged the community to have its say on the redevelopment of the Sydney Football Stadium at Moore Park.
A concept development application including a concept proposal for the development of a new sports stadium, and a proposal for stage 1 demolition works, will be on exhibition this week for community consultation.
The Department is keen to hear the community’s views on the concept development application which includes:
A concept proposal for the development of Sydney Football Stadium comprising:
• A maximum building envelope for the stadium to accommodate a basement and a new roof over all permanent seating;
• Maximum stadium capacity of 45,000 seats (55,000 patrons in concert mode) and a new playing pitch;
• Member areas, premium box/terrace, function lounge, and corporate suite operations;
• Flood lighting, and stadium video screens;
• Team, media and administration facilities, food and beverage areas;
• Public domain works and landscaping; and
• Identification of the existing Moore Park Carpark 1 (MP1) as the demolition and construction compound.
Stage 1 works comprising:
• Demolition of the existing stadium including the existing Sheridan, Roosters, Waratahs, Cricket NSW Administration Building and Indoor Cricket Wickets to the existing slab level;
• removal of 26 trees; and
• and the use of the MP1 car park as the demolition compound.
The concept proposal and stage 1 works will be assessed at the same time.
The Department’s Acting Deputy Secretary for Planning Services, David Gainsford, said the community is encouraged to give feedback and all submissions will be considered.
“The Department has an important role in the independent assessment process for major development in NSW, including State Significant Developments like this one,” Mr Gainsford said.
“This is your chance to have your say, and inform our assessment of the proposal.
“After public comments are received for the concept proposal and Stage 1, Infrastructure NSW will prepare a Response to Submissions (RtS) report, which we will make publicly available on our website.
“The Department will then assess the proposal, taking into account the RtS report along with the EIS, all council, community and stakeholder submissions received during exhibition and other agency advice.”
The Department’s recommendation will then be referred to the Minister for Planning for determination.
Submissions can be made from 14 June to 11 July 2018 on the Department’s major projects website
Following the assessment of the Concept Proposal and Stage 1 applications, Infrastructure NSW proposes to lodge a Stage 2 development application. This will include a detailed design of the stadium as well as the construction details, construction timelines and operational details of the stadium.
This application will be lodged and exhibited separately and would be assessed having regard to the outcomes of the Department’s assessment of the concept development application.