Acting CEO’s Update


It was good to see that the reaction by the media, our members and fans, as well as the general public, to the announcement of Ian Crook as our Head Coach, was generally very, very positive.

It was good to see that the reaction by the media, our members and fans, as well as the general public, to the announcement of Ian Crook as our Head Coach, was generally very, very positive.

To some people, Ian-s choice was a surprise, but once one understands the pedigree of the man, the respect with which he is held by his peers, both here and overseas, and by FFA-s Technical Director and the Sydney FC players and staff, then the decision to appoint him made absolute sense. His experience at, and knowledge of, Sydney FC and its players and culture, linked with Ian-s knowledge of youth development, made him an outstanding candidate.

Ironically, when the club was first holding talks with Graham Arnold, Ian had no interest in the role and had been quite content to remain in the area of youth development, but the desire to once again be involved with first team football was rekindled and from that point on, and once agreement could not be reached with Arnie, Ian became the frontrunner for the Head Coach role.

Ian and Gary Cole, our Director of Football, are now busily negotiating with players. Earlier this week, we announced the signing of Iraqi international and former Newcastle Jets player, Ali Abbas, and we anticipate that further signings will be made very shortly.

Last week the club announced that Scott Jamieson, Shannon Cole and Michael Beauchamp would not be re-signed. Scott, who spent two seasons with us, has since signed for Perth Glory. Shannon was with us for four seasons and during that time contributed both on and off the field. His involvement in our community program was outstanding and we really do wish him well in the future. With regard to Michael, we were unable to reach agreement for him to continue playing with us. We sincerely thank all three players for their contribution to Sydney FC and hope that their careers continue to flourish.

Also, last week we held a successful Golf Day at Bonnie Doon, involving corporate partners, who had the opportunity to play with Ian Crook, Gary Cole, Terry McFlynn, Nicky Carle, Dimi Petratos, Mitch Mallia and budding golfer, Rhyan Grant, who finished on the winning team. Former PGA Tour golfer, Paul Gow, also starred. A special presentation was made to Hyundai on the day, to recognise the wonderful support they provide, to not only the A-League, but to Sydney FC.

And finally, with regard to the CEO-s position, the board has further progressed its search, with an announcement not too far away.

Have a great week and, once again, thank you sincerely for your ongoing support.

Stefan Kamasz
Acting CEO & GM Community and Game Development