A day in the life of Adam Le Fondre

Prolific goalscorer Adam Le Fondre takes us through what he does on a typical day of training at the club as well as what he likes to do when he has a day off.

What do you do before you come into training?

“Normally ill wait for my youngest daughter to come in and wake me up, I’ll get up and go and make my daughters their breakfast at around about 7.15am. Afterward, I’ll go and get myself a coffee from the local café to get me going for the day.

What time do you arrive for training?

I’ll drop my girls off at school before aiming to arrive at Macquarie University at 9am.

What’s your pre-training routine?

I’ll come into training and have a bit of a chat and a laugh with the boys in the dressing room. I like watching my NBA so I’ll try and watch a bit of that in the common room if I can.

What’s on Adam Le Fondre’s Spotify playlist on the way to training?

At the moment it’s probably the soundtrack to Encanto the Disney kids movie. It’s really catchy and Brattsy (Luke Brattan) and I were singing our hearts out to it to the lads the other day at training. Having young children and watching the movies with the kids makes it on the way to our playlists but if it’s not that I’m usually listening to some podcasts.

What are your favourite training drills?

I love the big conditioning days and the sessions where we have 4 vs 4 tournaments. Those are really fun and we have a sort of round-robin knockout style tournament. I try to score as many goals as I can because I’m a striker, it sets me up with a bit of confidence.

Who catches your eye on the training field?

I think when we play in the four v four tournaments if you can get Caceres on your team it’s almost like a bit of a cheat code. He’s always a standout and gets you in those one v one tight situations so I love playing with him.

What’s your go-to post-training meal?

It depends on what our Chef Jorge cooks up for us. His cooking has been a lot better recently and he does a fantastic ragu pasta dish so I would say that any pasta dish he does is top stuff.

How do you spend your days off from training?

You can find me either at the beach with my kids or out on the golf range. Having the opportunity to give my kids this lifestyle is fantastic so it would probably be spending time with them there. I like to watch a bit of the NBA and play basketball as well.